Sunday, June 13, 2010


A few thoughts on Helen Thomas. or more accurately l'affaire Helen Thomas...

First, and this is really rhetorical, just when did questioning or insulting Israel become such a big deal? Why exactly are Israel's policy choices so sacred to Americans?

Second, why is it such a triumph that an old, respected reporter has been forced to resign because of something she said? Regardless of how insensitive or even genuinely prejudiced (though put it next to a lot of what, say, Rush says... ). Seems to me it's a bit of a blow to free speech and the media, not any sort of triumph.

Third, does this mean we can all agree that "why don't they go back where they come from?" can be retired from American political speech from now on? If it's wrong to ask it about the Israelis, it should be wrong to ask it about anyone, from recently arrived Hispanics to third generation blacks to those whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower "never caring that someone was already here", right?

Fourth, and this is really important ... it's a truth that cannot be legitimately denied: if it was a crime when George Bush was in office then it's a crime now that Obama is. Guantanamo isn't okay now (nor will Bagram be), for instance. If you were upset about Gaza before, you should still be; the situation hasn't improved there. Just because Helen Thomas has been pushed into obscurity doesn't mean that everything else goes along with her.

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