Sunday, July 11, 2010

Off the deck

My father had his deck rebuilt (mostly by his kids) and in the mornings it's a wonderful place to sit. In the afternoons just now it's too hot, but in the spring and fall it'll be nice - although it's west facing, the trees are very high and it's in shade except right at noon. I've seen a lot birds, and heard even more. Here are some of them.

Here's a red-bellied woodpecker.
red-bellied woodpecker

And here's the logcock - the pileated woodpecker. There's a pair; this is the female.
pileated woodpecker

When I snapped this I thought it was a titmouse. It's not ... I think it's a phoebe?
phoebe maybe

phoebe maybe

Here's a titmouse, rather out-of-focus, sorry.

And this, of course, is a crow.

Here's the 'rain crow', a yellow-billed cuckoo. He did herald rain (a day later, but still...)
yellow-billed cuckoo

One of a pair of Carolina wrens hollering blue murder about something.
carolina wren

And the other... their alarm calls were similar but distinctly different in pitch.
carolina wren

And this female cardinal has definitely seen better days. There are five or six cardinals here - three males for sure - but the males have been stubborn about getting out of the leaves...
female cardinal

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At 7:45 PM, July 11, 2010 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

I'm jealous! I've been taunted by a red-bellied woodpecker for a week -- he visits our feeders, but leaves as soon as I get near the window with a camera.


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