Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Business as usual?

So Senator Jon Kyl (R) says"I thought we were just going to continue doing business as usual" while the Senate debated the new START treaty, after the old one lapsed (you did know that had happened back in December, right?).

Is he really that dumb? Does he have some kind of residual, lingering feeling that the Russians are our friends now that the Commies are gone? Does he live on some other planet, not just in Arizona, or commute to the Senate from another plane of existence?

Does he think we let foreigners into our military installations without a treaty to make us?

Or is he just being disingenuous again?

I mean, it's one thing to not want the new treaty. It might even be a reasonable position. But pretending that the old one is still in effect? That's dishonest.

Actually thinking it is? That's dangerous.



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