Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Butterfly Days of August

This is a duskywing. I'm not sure which one - I think it's a dreamy duskywing but perhaps it's a wild indigo instead...


common buckeye
A common buckeye - quite unmistakeably spectacular, isn't it? Also a butterfly whose wings are much the same pattern on top and bottom surfaces.

common buckeye

common buckeyeThere's a little duskywing in the background here.

fiery skippers
Two fiery skippers

clouded sulphur
This is a sulphur, but I'm not sure if it's a clouded sulphur or an orange one - possibly even a hybrid.

Here's a monarch. It's a bit raggedy; it's a hard life for such a fragile creature. Look how the upper wing is split, lapping over the lower...


male swallowtail
Here's a male tiger swallowtail.

male swallowtail

female swallowtail
And this is a female. Compare their lower wings - see all the blue? That's how you can tell she's female.

female swallowtail

female swallowtail

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