Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sky Watch: The Colors of Dawn

Today, about an hour ago. (I really wanted to spell this title "colours"...)

dawn Aug 14

dawn Aug 14
dawn Aug 14

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At 2:13 PM, August 14, 2010 Blogger Arija had this to say...

I still use English so I will say I like the gentle greys and other colours in you photos.

I too am a free thinker and believe in Darwin's theory. Although I believe in a Higher Power, I cannot be constrained by any organised religion .

Happy days.

At 6:24 PM, August 14, 2010 Blogger nonizamboni had this to say...

I enjoyed my visit to your 'refreshing' blog. . .and your photos are peaceful and colourful.
Thanks for sharing!


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