Sunday, August 15, 2010

Swallowtails and a Monarch

Two yellow Tiger Swallowtails (one of them a male, as you can tell by the absence of blue on the lower wings) and one black, therefore a female, and one lone Monarch (also a male - see the little spot on the vein on his lower wing?) among the flowers Wednesday afternoon.

two yellow swallowtailsThere are two in the picture above, though one's hard to spot.

female yellow swallowtailThis one's female - see all the blue? It's even clearer on the shot below.

female yellow swallowtail and ui brown butterflyAbove, a smaller brown butterfly is out of focus behind the female swallowtail. I don't remember noticing it and I don't know what it was!

yellow male swallotailThis one's male - compare the lower wings with the one above.

male yellow swallowtail

black swallowtailAll black Tiger Swallowtails are female; all males are yellow, but so are some females.

black swallowtailNote her almost totally missing lower right wing!

male monarch

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