Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Week in Entertainment

Film: "Get Low" - an extraordinarily beautiful movie anchored by an Oscar-worthy performance from Robert Duval supported by nearly equally wonderful jobs by Sissy Spacek, Lucas Black, and especially Bill Murray. Not one false note in the rest of the cast, nor anywhere else.

DVD: Some more of The Chief, which continues to be interesting.

TV: Psych - I loved hearing Lassie say "I've heard it both ways" - and Sean being right about how to pronounce Paget. Leverage - Parker was so cute as she furiously took notes on how to be a grifter, and Sophie's metaphor for stealing "her soul" "I was going to say confidence" was funny. Also watched Planet 51 - which was mildly amusing, though I must ask two questions: why did the male aliens not wear pants, and how damn tiny was their planet that they thought 500 miles was a reasonable estimate for the size of the universe? It looked huge from space.

Read: Alien Emergencies, an omnibus of James White.



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