Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Week in Entertainment

Film: I Am Love - I have to say, Tilda Swinton could sit in a bathrobe and read the newspaper and she'd be great. In this film, she's brilliant. But I have to say, the camera called far too much attention to itself, and about the twelfth bug-crawling-on-plant shot during the outdoors lovemaking scene found me actually starting to giggle...

DVD: The Death Kiss and The Perfect Clue, a pair of stylish old mysteries with David Manners, a stylish (and attractive) actor who worked for five years and then quit.

TV: G-Force - which was actually surprisingly engaging. I really did like it. ("What's our plan?" "Stop Speckles and save the world!" "That's more of a goal than a plan.") Psych which featured some funny moments and Shawn and Gus observed the old cops ("Tell me we don't look like that!" "We look exactly like that...") I'm DVR'ing Leverage, but thanks to a sinus cold that kept me asleep until noon (!) today, I'm too tired to stay up and watch it tonight.

Read: Stork Raving Mad - this installment in the Meg Langslow series is compact - it takes place in a single day. It's also tight and amusing, if not as funny as, say, Crouching Buzzard, Leaping Loon. Also Crossfire, which features the Francis father-and-son combo's least appealing protagonist ever.



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