Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: Dalziel & Pascoe - some episodes from the third season, nice work. (I had to get them from the Netherlands, with only Dutch subtitles, so occasionally the Yorkshire accent obscured a word or two... nothing serious.) It looks like On Beulah Height is the last novel they adapted, and then they went out on their own; that will be interesting to watch. Also, while the novel The Wood Beyond is one of my favorites, I have to admit that it's almost as much a polemic about British military policies in WWI as a mystery; the filmed version of it caught all Pascoe's obsession without going into too much detail.

TV: Futurama. I can't believe the season finale is next week! At least Psych is just ending for the summer. This week's episode was funny - god, I love Chi McBride. Leverage - I love that Parker was on top of them all. Also I loved when Eliot - holding the guy against the wall, with a knife stuck in him (the guy) - said to the guy's boss on the phone "Why are you sending second rate thugs to kill me?" and then added to the guy "If I'm not honest you won't improve."

Read: A Small Death in the Great Glen - not bad, though it has one of those indeterminate endings some writers some to think makes their books cool, or significant. But those endings don't work for mysteries; mystery readers want closure. Market the thing as something else, if you don't want to actually tell us who did it.



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