Stunningly inept tax phishing
Got this email today. I'm not terribly concerned... First, there's the timing. Dude, I already spent my refund. Months ago. Second, they sent it to everyone at my office... in the clear. And then there's the obvious fact that I didn't use them in the first place. And the redirect in the 'contact page' url.
And the thirty-three misspelled words don't inspire me with confidence, either. Spell-check is spotty, but these words? Yeah. It would have helped them...
Your Federal Tax Payment ID: 01037597251 has been not accepted.
Plaese, make sure that all informtaion you have subimtted is crorect and refer to Code R21 to find out the infomration about copmany payemnt. Plaese cnotact this page if you have any questions:
Rteurn Reason Code R21 - The identifiaction nmuber you enetred in the Cmopany Identfiication Feild is not functional. Try senidng informtaion to your accountant advsier using other optoins.
EFTPS: The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System
You are uisng an Offiical United States Government System, which may be used only for authoirzed purposes. Unauthorized modification of any information stored on this ssytem may result in criminal prosecution. The Govrenment may monitor and audit the usage of system, and all presons are hereby notified that the use of this system constittues conesnt to such monitoring and auditing. Unauthorized attempts to upload inofrmation and/or change information on this web site are stirctly prohibited and are subject to proseuction under theCopmuter Farud and Abuse Act of 1986 and Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 and 1030.
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