Sunday, January 02, 2011


In today's Parade, Marilyn (not on line yet) says: "Some of my readers' questions would confound the Oracle of Delphi! Here's a selection of recent unanswerable ones worth pondering anyway." All I can say is - "unanswerable"? (I'm answering them!)
The city of Toledo, Ohio, is urging its residents to lose weight to the tune of one million pounds. With that much weight exiting our planet from such a small location, could it alter the Earth's orbit around the Sun?
Short answer: No. Long answer: Possibly, but not enough for anyone anywhere to know. Couple of numbers for the reader to contemplate: Weight of the John Hancock building (also in close to Ohio): 384,706,647 pounds. Weight of the Earth: 13,166,006,298,000,000,000,000,000 pounds. Next,
In movies, when soemone gets out of a car at night, why doesn't the dome light ever go on?
Because they have turned it off so it won't spoil the lighting. Next,
I notice that global warming increased after daylight saving time started in 1974. Well, duh! More daylight is going to make the world hotter, isn't it?
Assuming that's not meant as a joke, someone needs to remember that daylight saving time doesn't actually convert an hour of darkness into an hour of light, it just shifts the clock time of the dark and light hours. And finally,
If a person on television held up a mirror facing the camera, could someone at home see his reflection in it?
Is this a real question? Do you not understand that television isn't live? You'd have to have a time machine to see your reflection... Seriously, she can't explain that light doesn't enter the television set, bounce off the mirror, and exit again? That television is a one-way transmission?

I'm beginning to doubt she's as smart as she claims.

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At 11:45 AM, January 02, 2011 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

that much weight exiting our planet

What, is the city of Toledo going to collect the lost weight and fire it into space?

At 10:00 PM, January 02, 2011 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

I suppose it might all be converted to energy...

At 8:32 AM, January 03, 2011 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Right... the same thing would happen if the residents of Toledo all used their fireplaces, and collectively burned a million pounds (or so) of firewood. There'd be ash and smoke, and the rest — most — would turn into energy. And the Earth would wobble and people would become extinct and... never mind.

Hancock building in Ohio? Where. I know of the John Hancock Center in Chicago, but that'd be Illinois.

That first question is at least not totally stupid. The other three are too idiotic to take seriously; as you say, "Assuming that's not meant as a joke...."

The real question to ask is this: "If you're the smartest person in the world, why do you write a column this inanely stupid?"

At 9:16 AM, January 03, 2011 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Chicago's not in Ohio???

(Brain glitch, there, obviously...)

Another was "How do deer know to use the posted 'Deer Crossings'?" Not entirely stupid, but certainly not the product of any serious thought on the issue...


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