Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Week in Entertainment

TV: Still catching up on DVR'd stuff: The season finale of Psych. Mr Yin! And I loved Gus's wanting to know what the stuff was, and was Yin going to sterilize the needle. The first episode of Shameless, which was rough, raw, and really very funny. Also serious as hell. Wow. The first two parts of Downton Abbey, which is entertaining. Finally got around to Great Migrations, which was stunning (and had rockhoppers! my very favorite penguins!). An episode of The Mentalist, which I enjoyed as usual. Modern Family was extremely funny. And then some movies - the 2006 The Quiet American, which was damned good - and didn't twist the book around like the Audie Murphy version (though in fairness I must say that I have always hated Audie Murphy since I was in the 3ID, where all the enlisted knew him as the guy who bought his Medal of Honor with the blood of his troops). Despicable Me, which was amusing enough but not as good as the reviews made it sound. The Young Victoria, well-acted and beautiful and interestingly written. The Third Man - I'm not quite sure how I managed to get this old without having seen it. And because I couldn't resist any longer, The Lightning Thief, which may have been okay as an independent entity, but which butchered the book so badly I cannot like it.

Read: The Lightning Thief, to confirm the above and get the taste of the movie out of my mind. Several more novels by Joseph Fletcher.



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