Tuesday, February 01, 2011

And again (yay)

Another day, and another sighting of the red-shouldered hawks. First, the distance shot - this time against a very gray, icy-rain sky.

pair of red-shouldered hawks

Here's a back shot, the smaller male all wind-ruffled.

pair of red-shouldered hawks

Here they are, showing off those elaborately patterned backs and wings, and their long tails.

pair of red-shouldered hawks

Front shot, all floofed-up. They must be cold!

pair of red-shouldered hawks

The larger female, floofed:

female red-shouldered hawk

The smaller male, also floofed:

male red-shouldered hawk

And a moment later, not so floofed, sleek in fact:

pair of red-shouldered hawkz


female red-shouldered hawk

And male:

male red-shouldered hawk

I hope you're not tired of seeing them, because I'm not.

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