Thursday, March 10, 2011

Behind the Bill, it's Busting pure and simple

From Talking Points Memo, this observation from a Wisconsin resident:
It's not just the budget bill needs a quorum -- the big issue is that *any* bill with fiscal implications is supposed to have a quorum in the Wisconsin state Senate. So there are two choices here:

1. Collective bargaining has fiscal implications, and so the bill will be blocked in the courts and ruled unconstitutional.

2. Collective bargaining DOES NOT have direct fiscal implications, and Gov. Walker has been lying this entire time by making the case that it's fiscally necessary.

So either the state R's just passed an illegal bill, or Walker has been lying this entire time and really is just interested in union-busting.
Not that this is any kind of surprise, really.

But it will be interesting to see how it plays.

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At 10:03 AM, March 10, 2011 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

Thanks for drawing attention to this!


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