Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The J-bus driver pulled up at the stop though I was waving him by. He opened the door and called, "Ma'am, the B bus is broken down."

I thanked him and set off walking to the Metro stop. I was disgruntled. Sure, at least I would get there in time, since I wasn't losing time waiting for a B that never arrived. But starting the day with a 1.64-mile hike isn't my idea of fun.


Because I was walking, as I crossed the Patuxent, I heard a bird singing an unfamiliar song. I looked up and saw him on the telephone wire - though he flew off into the trees when I pulled out my camera. A glorious dark blue against the sky - an indigo bunting, the first one I've seen.

Almost made the hike worthwhile... No, it did.

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At 8:00 AM, June 16, 2011 Anonymous Mark had this to say...

I saw an indigo bunting for the first time when i was about 40 something. I see them every once in a great while now. They are something.


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