Monday, January 02, 2012

It's gonna be a long year

I fear we're in for a ton of Mayan-calendar themed comics ... mostly by people who don't get the Mayan calendar at all. Bottom line: the calendar is cyclic. When it gets to "the end", it just starts over.

A couple of years ago Brewster Rockett took a shot at it, with Pam the voice of reason. And amazingly, of all people to get it right, Jeremy of Zits did.

But we're two days into the year, and in the limited collection of strips in my father's local paper there have been two strips so far, one each day - and both are saying the world will end. First yesterday's Mother Goose and Grimm

Jan 1 Mother Goose and Grimm
and today's Freshly Squeezed

Jan 2 Freshly SqueezedI fear the rest of the year...

Although there's a tiny chance that xkcd can take point... maybe?



At 1:33 AM, January 03, 2012 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

Sometimes I think that on the Day After, I should run a poll on my blog, asking "Does the world still exist?" with three options for people to choose from:

(a) The world still exists. (b) The world was destroyed last night and anything you see now is a figment of your imagination. (c) The world doesn't exist, but there's nothing new about that.

Other times I think that would be silly.

At 7:34 AM, January 03, 2012 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

My father noted that having the calendar stop (in MG&G) may have been a subtle jab at the doomsday types. I can see that ... but it's pretty subtle!

At 9:31 AM, January 03, 2012 Anonymous Q. Pheevr had this to say...

Apart from the Mayan nonsense, what bugs me about the MG&G strip is that Grimm thinks his 2012 calendar ought to have 365 days.

At 2:20 PM, January 03, 2012 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

Game, set and match to Q. Pheevr!


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