Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Week in Entertainment

Back from vacation, I mostly read this week...

TV: Leverage - all of the promos showed us Jimmy Ford, and the trailers. But even if that weren't true, there was no point at all in being so coy about who Nate was charging off to rescue, with the big "surprise" camera reveal. Tom Skerritt was in the danged credits, after all. Also, I love the way Eliot always lectures his opponents on how to be better. But I didn't expect Dubenich. I tell you: war is not nearly a strong enough word. I'm excited about the season finale, I really am. Once Upon a Time had a nice look at Mr. Gold's backstory (one wonders how powerful he could be if he remembered himself). The Middle was funny - I love Sue's cheerleaders - and Modern Family, with Luke's desperate attempt to blame it all on Manny.

Read: Two Cremona-based mysteries by Paul Adams, about a violin-maker, easy and pleasing reads (The Rainaldi Quartet and Paganini's Ghost). All five of Beverle Graves-Myers' 'Baroque' mysteries about an 18th century Venetian castrato - well-written and -plotted and very engrossing.



At 4:46 PM, January 16, 2012 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

Did you skip "The Mentalist"?

At 5:21 PM, January 16, 2012 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Nope; just hadn't seen it yet. It's on the DVR.


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