Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Ides of March

From the letters of Cicero to Atticus (translated by LC Purser):
But come one, come all, the Ides of March console me.
sed omnia licet concurrant, Idus Martiae consolantur.]

Ah, my dear Atticus, I fear the Ides of March have brought us nothing beyond exultation, and the satisfaction of our anger and resentment.
o mi Attice, vereor ne nobis Idus Martiae nihil dederint praeter laetitiam et odi poenam ac doloris.]

For though the tyrant has been removed, I see that the tyranny remains. ... Well, was that the fault of the Brutuses? Not at all, but of those other dull brutes, who think themselves cautious and wise, who thought it enough in some cases to rejoice, in others to congratulate, in none to persevere. But let us leave the past: let us bestow all our care and power of protection on our heroes, and, as you advise, let us be content with the Ides of March. Yet though they gave our friends—those inspired heroes—an entrance to heaven, they have not given the Roman people liberty.
[sublato enim tyranno tyrannida manere video ... ista culpa Brutorum? minime illorum quidem sed aliorum brutorum qui se cautos ac sapientis putant; quibus satis fuit laetari, non nullis etiam gratulari, nullis permanere. sed praeterita omittamus; istos omni cura praesidioque tueamur et, quem ad modum tu praecipis, contenti Idibus Martiis simus; quae quidem nostris amicis divinis viris aditum ad caelum dederunt, libertatem populo Romano non dederunt.]

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At 10:37 AM, March 15, 2012 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

ps: the pun works better in Latin, though it's not bad in English: ista culpa Brutorum? minime illorum quidem sed aliorum brutorum


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