A clown died
An oldie (new to me) but it's hysterical. A series of photos of Dmitry Medvedev at a 2009 awards ceremony for Russian Olympians is posted by a Ukrainian paper. The article says
В президенті Медведєві помер клоун-мім.Here are a couple - check it out.
Президент Росії Дмитро Медведєв нарешті роздав російським олімпійцям-2008 ордени.
Церемонія вручення нагород пройшла у Єкатеринському залі московського Кремля.
У ході заходу Медведєв продемонстрував можливості своїх мімічних м‘язів й активно виражав свої почуття не лише словами, а й всім обличчям.
President Medvedev could have been a mime (lit: Inside President Medvedev a clown has died)
Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has at last handed out medals to the Russian Olympians of 2008. The ceremony took place in the Catherine the Great hall in the Kremlin in Moscow. During the bustle, Medvedev demonstrated the potential of his mimicry, expressing his emotions not only in words, but with his whole countenance.
Any special significance to the fact all three women are wearing white? Also, are they all tall, or is he short (à la Putin)?
No, I just randomly picked three. If you click through you'll see that there are black and red and gray outfits, even slacks on one woman.
He's short: 5'4". A colleague of mine joked that Putin picked him for that reason (Putin is 5'5").
What might be significant of something is that all the pictures are of him giving flowers to women; none of the male athletes made the Pravda gallery.
No males? Not even gymnasts?
Then there was that much-circulated group photo featuring Nicolas Sarkozy, early in his Presidency, where he requested people be chosen to be in it who weren't taller than he is (which would eliminate most males and not a few females -- LOL!).
That's what i call "great post". Thank you so much.
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