Day Fourteen: Marion to Independence
We left quite early, but then the trip didn't take as long as we'd thought, so we got to Independence in time to go over and see Harry Truman's house.

It is still brown and dry...

It is flat! out here

The Arch

Welcome to Missouri!

You can't get to Maryland from here (!) but the road to Earth City is still open...

I wonder if this cools you off?

A nice mix of names: Auxvasse, Mexico, Fulton

A different mix (also: why a Churchill museum here?)

The Missouri River

Independence, home of Harry Truman (almost didn't get the sign at all!)

Truman National Historic Site

A mule tour. Poor mules - it was hot

The courthouse, with Truman by the side

Truman (we didn't walk back that way so I didn't get his front, but look how he's holding his cane.

The signs for the house

And the house itself - you can't take pictures inside.

You're passing by all my old homes on this trip!
Be sure to bird Squaw Creek as you're heading west (or Eagle Bluffs if you go back past Columbia).
Fulton is, of course, where Churchill gave his "Iron Curtain" speech, so that could be the reason.
Picky, ya beat me to the punch re: Churchill.
Ridger, sharp eye re Truman's cane. See:
(Note also absence of a hat on the statue: Truman, the erstwhile haberdasher, wore them -- Panama in summer, fedora the rest of the time, IIRC).
BTW, when I Googled on "Harry Truman" and "cane" just now, three of the photos on page 2 of the search were from this post -- Independence city limit sign, the squirrel, and a shot of the river.
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