Friday, December 21, 2012


Earlier this week, in a category of Better 2-Letter (two-letter words), one clue was "It's the objective case of we".

No one got it. (It's "us".) Worse: no one rang in. They were all afraid to try.

Isn't that what they call it in schools, the objective case? That's all over the Internet. Maybe the object case would have helped them? Was it the word "case"? If it had read "the object(ive) form", would someone have thought they knew it?

This is really stunning. I don't know what was going on there.

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At 5:14 PM, December 23, 2012 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

This used to be taught in 6th grade grammar as part of sentence-diagramming, then reinforced in junior high. How on earth can a foreign language be taught without knowing the objective/accusative case (not to mention the dative)? Harrumph!

At 7:14 PM, December 23, 2012 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Well, it's still taught. And it's all over the Internet. So you can't blame the teaching. Though, of course, only a few pronouns have case marking, and nouns have none (except possessive).

But I have to say that I very seriously doubt the learning of foreign languages is ever considered when teaching English - especially since lots of foreign languages don't mark for case, either - or do it for an absurd number of them compared to English's puny 2.


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