Today I tried to buy Doctor Who stamps at the Royal Mail's website. My debit card was "not authorized". I tried a credit card. Ditto. Another. So I gave up.
Then I got an email telling me to contact the Fraud Prevention department. Reason?
Transaction for $xxx at a post office was declined on or around 03/26/2013 in INTERNET, United Kingdom.
Yeah. Apparently Royal Mail dot com came up as an actual, brick-and-mortar post office. In a town called INTERNET. In the UK.

I appreciate the fraud prevention (not so much the three phone calls to straighten it out), but you'd think they would recognize an Internet site as someplace I do, in fact, shop at. Even a UK one (hello, Amazon.co.uk?). At least the Chase rep stayed on line and authorized the purchase for me (Doctor Who stamps! Yay!).
Labels: miscellaneous, tech
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