Monday, April 29, 2013


I don't live in California. Is it wrong that this headline made me laugh?

Boater who drowned identified by Yolo coroner



At 5:22 PM, April 29, 2013 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

Yes, it would be wrong (sez this 2nd-generation native Californian).

At 10:58 PM, April 29, 2013 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

It's wrong.
I lived in Yolo county for a number of years, so when I started seeing that acronym on the web, it seemed odd. I still think it's odd.

At 7:19 PM, April 30, 2013 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

Yolo County:

Etymology - Origin of County Name

In the original act of 1850, the name was spelled "Yola." Yolo is an Indian name variously believed to be a corruption of an Indian tribal name Yo-loy meaning "a place abounding in rushes" or of the name of the Indian chief, Yodo, or of the Indian village of Yodoi.

Aside: I remember the first time my family took me to Sacramento, and as we approached there was a sign that read, "Yolo Causeway." It as terribly confusing because I didn't know what either "Yolo" or a causeway was, meaning my mother had a lot of explaining to do.

At 7:20 PM, April 30, 2013 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

I think it was the combo of YOLO + Coroner


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