Sunday, February 02, 2014

The Week in Entertainment

Oops ... scheduled this for the wrong day!

 DVD: Season one of Leverage (having run across it on Ion). Man, I loved that show. Ivan and the Mare (Іван та кобила), a Ukrainian rom-com.

TV: Sherlock - this episode was much better. A couple of teases (Red Beard? CAM?), some terrific throwaway cases, like Doyle's Watson used to do (The Hollow Client!), and Sherlock's touching and hilarious speech. Mrs Hudson's crazy past. Occasionally the camera work was distracting (the marching guards) but sometimes the style was effective (the conversation with Mycroft), and the 'mental palace' imagery was striking. Plus the whole realize-and-solve-the-crime-while-giving-the-speech was a tour-de-force. And finally, the episode showed us how Sherlock thinks about John, and it was sweet. The Crazy Ones - funny. I loved the silly "easy-open-can" - so stupid - and the way Simon reworked it was funny.

Read: Reread Taft 2012, lured there by something mentioned in The Bully Pulpit, which I've finished and highly recommend.



At 1:02 PM, February 04, 2014 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

Speaking of mind palaces, I suspect you're going to love the third episode of "Sherlock" Season 3 (won't spoil it for you, however).

At 10:03 AM, February 05, 2014 Anonymous Picky had this to say...

Yeah ... episode three is wonderful – but then in my opinion all three seasons have been wonderful. Wonderful, funny, and true. Anyone worked out yet how Sherlock really survived his fall, though?

At 10:25 AM, February 05, 2014 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Oh, yes - I love this show. Absolutely adore it.

And Sherlock fell into the TARDIS ;-)

At 10:50 AM, February 05, 2014 Anonymous Picky had this to say...

The TARDIS! That'll be it!

By the way, amidst all the praise the two leads and three writers have got, can I also put in a word for Una Stubbs' tour de force as Mrs Hudson? She seems to me to steal every scene she's in.

At 12:51 AM, February 07, 2014 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

Did you see Thursday's Google doodle honoring the Olympics? Rumor has it the same logo appeared on Russian Google's homepage as well!

At 2:08 PM, February 11, 2014 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

Are you watching the Olympics, since they're in Russia this time? Are you using any materials from either TV or print media in your teaching? What do you know of the Russia expert that NBC is using (Remnick, I think)?


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