Friday, November 07, 2014

Jobs memorial may be saved

So, don't know if you heard, but there used to be a giant iPhone in St Petersburg, Russia, that was a memorial to Steve Jobs. Used to be, because the company that owned it (West European Finance Union ZEFS), according to its owner Maksim Dolgopolov, had to take it down because of Tim Cook.

Yes, you heard that right.

Dolgopolov cited the law against "homosexual propaganda to minors" and added, charmingly,
«ЗЕФС склоняется к акту публичного уничтожения этого символа нашей слепой и ложной веры в легенду о гениальности Стива Джобса, на пустом месте создавшего крупную мировую IT-компанию. Публичные и богохульные призывы к содомии со стороны Тима Кука стали последней каплей, переполнившей чашу нашего терпения»

ZEFS is inclined to publicly destroy this symbol of our blind and false faith in the legend of the genius of Steve Jobs, who starting from nothing created a major IT company. The public and blasphemous calls to sodomy from Tim Cook were the last drop, which caused our cup of patience to overflow."
But the Russian social networking site VKontakte (In Contact) have appealed to ZEFS, asking to take the memorial themselves and set it up somewhere, probably at their Petersburg offices, where it will be accessible to anyone who wants to see it.

Hopefully they'll be able to save it.


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