Sunday, November 02, 2014

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: Finished up Scott & Bailey series 2, which ended very strongly. I hope there's a three.

TV: The Middle was good - Brad's costume was fabulous, and Axl in the library talking to "LeBron" hilarious and sad, both. Modern Family was entertaining, especially Alex predicting Phil's reaction and Hayley's asking if she was from the future. Tried Constantine, but it doesn't make any sense - there's no flow to the plot - the characters are all unpleasant (that kind of dialog and attitude works better on the printed page), and right off the bat they give us the woman flouncing around in her teddy for no purpose except to look sexy for the audience. It's also dark - and I don't mean the subject matter, I mean it's very hard to see what's on the screen. The second episode had one or two shots in sunlight, but... anyway, I gave it a shot. Grimm - yay, it's back. Though I suddenly realized that down at the bottom of my DVR queue was the last two eps from last season - so I binged on four. I'm actually kind of glad I didn't spend the whole summer with that cliffhanger! That said... Wow. That snake. Sean and his mother. And fucking Adelind; I suppose I have a bit of sympathy for her, but not much. (And I said they should have told Wu!)  Lewis - very nice final episode, I really hope there'll be another season! And Doctor Who - so Missy is the Mistress. (Thank everything she's nothing to do with River Song...). The backstory on Danny was a bit predictable, but strong anyway. Next week will be good.

Read: A few more of the Libby Serjeant books; the second one was far too full of "I'm so old and fat and unattractive how can boyfriend really like me?" but it turned into "gosh I can't believe he likes me" and finally "gosh I'm so lucky he likes me", which is easier to accept :-) Also, the secondary characters are really well-drawn and the mysteries good.



At 12:39 PM, November 03, 2014 Anonymous Picky had this to say...

Scott & Bailey series 4 has just finished its run over here.

At 12:42 PM, November 03, 2014 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Oooo, maybe the dvds will be available soon. Perhaps I should look at

At 12:47 PM, November 03, 2014 Anonymous Picky had this to say...

Yep, has series 3 for sale and series 4 ready for pre-order.

At 4:53 PM, November 03, 2014 Anonymous Mark P had this to say...

We watched the first episode of Constantine mainly to see whether it was worth watching. But then they mentioned Atlanta, and since we're only an hour north, I wanted to see if they really did shoot there. They did. And, in fact, they shot some exteriors at the Old Mill at Berry College just a couple of miles from our house . That was the stone mill house with the large, overshot waterwheel. We recorded the second episode because they apparently did more shooting around here and I want to see that, too.


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