Friday, December 12, 2014

She wasn't Shane

Clue: Eric Knight touched hearts with the 1940 novel imploring this dog to "come home".

Answer: "What is Lassie?"

NO! It wasn't "Lassie, come home" - imploring her - it was "Lassie Come-Home" - a phrase for a dog that came home after it was sold, a form of cheating the buyer. In fact, the boy Joe was made to tell her NOT to come home (though it didn't stop her).

Note the hyphen on the book jacket. Yes, the movie dropped that, but the clue was about the novel.

Alex, your clue is WRONG.



At 11:30 AM, December 13, 2014 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

In fairness, it was the clue writers who erred; Alex merely read the clues.

At 9:51 AM, December 15, 2014 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

But it's his show. (I didn't say HE was wrong.)


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