Saturday, January 03, 2015

Gray Day Birds

Yesterday was another gray East Tennessee winter's day. And it brought more birds - including some pretty good shots of the logcock!

The first blue jay I've managed to get a picture of, though he was pretty far down the ridge:



A sparrow

A Carolina wren on the woodshed, making a lot of noise



The male cardinal, in his shabby winter suit

And the logcock! This is the male; it's the female I got pictures of the last few days:



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At 7:29 PM, January 03, 2015 Anonymous Mark P had this to say...

I really envy your ability to get shots of the pileated woodpecker. I hear them all over the mountain here, and occasionally see them, but I can never get a decent shot. I would need a really long lens, when I usually have only my phone.

At 8:01 PM, January 03, 2015 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

They don't make it easy. This pair covers the woods on the ridge where my father lives and sometimes they come where my long lens can catch them through the window when they don't realize I'm there.


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