Wednesday, March 09, 2016

2! Or, you know, 3.5!

The fruit juice box says, in big bold print

2 servings of

So I look at the asterisk. Which says: "Per 8oz. serving. Under USDA's 2010 Dietary Guidelines 4oz. of 100% juice = 1 serving of fruit. The Guidelines recommend that you get a majority of your daily fruit servings from whole fruit."

OK. But then I see this on the other side:

100% Pure Orange Juice
14 fl.oz.

So ... I'm not mathematician, but surely that's actually 3.5 servings? Even if they think I'm splitting the box with someone, 'cause then we wouldn't both be getting 8 oz.

I am confused. But juiced!



At 9:26 AM, March 09, 2016 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

Don't even get me started on ice cream containers that were originally 64 fluid ounces (half gallon), then reduced to 56 fl. oz., and now to only 48. Grrr....

At 7:46 AM, March 15, 2016 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

That's annoying, but you know they do it so they don't have to obviously raise the price.

This is different. Why tell me it's 2 servings of fruit when it's 3.5 servings? Do they expect someone to share this carton? If they shared equally, neither would get 2 servings.


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