March birds
Spring is undoubtedly on its way. Geese are breaking up their flocks, ducks and hawks are pairing up. In the park, lots of birds as winter and summer residents mingle. Early dawn sees the little guys flitting through - a Carolina chickadee

And a titmouse

And here's a blue jay, all composed and smug after running off the hawks

With more sun, others show up - like a little Downy woodpecker

A mockingbird settles in to sing

Early morning also brings a flock of goldfinches, the males not yet in their bright yellow breeding plumage hard to tell from the females

Here's a male cardinal, still a bit wintry gray

And his mate

We know it's not quite spring yet, because the juncos are still here

And so are the white-throated sparrows

But the redwinged blackbirds have shown up and begun staking out their territories

And the robins are breaking up their big flocks

And the flicker is back, too

Say, that titmouse DOES look 30 times softer than human hair!
(Sorry I originally posted this below).
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