Friday, August 18, 2006

ummmm.... No. You're wrong. Again.

"Those who herald this decision simply do not understand the nature of the world we live in." So just said Bush as I walked past the wall o'tvs.


We understand the world.

What we don't understand is why you can't go to the FISA court and say, "Hey, we're listening to these foreign terrorists and they called a US number. We need a warrant to find out why, because when they talk among themselves they're up to no good."

The FISA court will give you the warrant. You know they will. And then you're legal.

Hell, you have up to three days to get in touch with this 24/7 court after you've started listening...

This is what we don't understand.

Not what you want to do. Not why it's important.

Why you think you don't have to follow the law to do it.

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