I and the Bird #44

Welcome to the Greenbelt and the 44th Edition of I and the Bird. I'm a very amateur birder - but this carnival welcomes all who love birds. Sometimes we find them by the merest chance, and sometimes we spend our lives studying them. Science and Serendipity - the finding and the knowing - and Words and Pictures to share our luck and learning with others... and the sheer joy of seeing these tiny, colorful dinosaurs with whom we share the world, so very different and yet our kin.
Below, grouped (albeit roughly) into these four categories you will find posts of all sorts, having in common a love of birds and the desire to share that love. I hope you enjoy at least some of them - I liked them all.

The Great Backyard Bird Count wraps up and the Birdchaser tells us about it
Wrapping up the Great Backyard Bird Count at a DC Birding Blog, John adds his perspective
Patience is a virtue says Matt at Behavioral Ecology - even for lekking birds
Birding the dictionary at Heraclitean Fire Harry chases dunnocks, ruddocks, and dunlins through the OED - with pictures

More from Harlingen via Natural Visions are the birds he saw while waiting for the one that didn't come
American Woodcock at woodcreeper leave David with ringing in his ears
Seeing Birds at Earth, Wind & Water - the birds you didn't notice when you took the picture, that is

Pictures (and Words)
East, West, and Dust at Search and Serendipity: a look at two different landscapes and the birds that live there
Silvereyes come to visit Trevor, along with a parrot - all of them looking for fruit to steal
Birds and Blizzards at Migrations: 16 inches of snow brings many newcomers to the feeders
Serendipitous Sighting at Don't Mess with Taxes: Kay Bell sees Cedar Waxwings!
Love Those Redheads says Mike at 10000 Birds, those Redheads and Canvasbacks
Geese in Winter here at the Greenbelt, two visiting Canada geese and one winter robin
Bird Food is quite the photo from KeesKennis - startling, in fact
Guatemala - from Aimophila Adventures - Rick has a wonderful trip
Finding a very solid home at Journey Through Grace is a Brown-headed Nuthatch - and what a home it is
Black Bittern, the Hunter is spotted at Bird Ecology Study Group by YC Wee, and he's got the photos to prove it
Seagulls and Skordalia with Roasted Pickled Beets: Time's Fool gives seagulls garlic breath
O for 2 on the Jones Beach Longspur maybe, but Corey at Lovely Dark and Deep saw plenty of others

Words (and Pictures)
Birding the dictionary at Heraclitean Fire chases dunnocks, ruddocks, and dunlins through the OED
The Accidental Birder at Snail's Eye View: memories of those accidents that make birding worthwhile
The Life of Birds at Living the Scientific Life: GrrlScientist reviews the definitive Attenborough series
Enskyment at Fragments from Floyd: Appalachian Voices celebrates vultures
Crimes of Opportunity has the Born Again Bird Watcher scouting for birds in unlikely places and times
How to Identify the Peterson First Edition from the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History - the 1934 classic
Ribble Winter Wonderland from the Ribble Cycle Diaries: Overwintering birds and birds that think it's spring
The Martins are back at Wildlife Art Blog - and almost too soon at that
The Mistletoebird shows up at Ben Cruachan and Duncan tells us about its odd nest - and shows us, too
Ravens - this poem from The Bird Treatment and Learning Center makes a fitting final post: I watch and wish that I could fly
That's it for this time. I hope you enjoyed it.
The next edition of I and the Bird will be at Journey Through Grace; entries should be sent to blessingsabound AT mac dot com (and remember - all are welcome to submit). See you then.
Wonderful presentation Ridger! BRAVO!
Outstanding, Ridger! Thank you!
Hell when I look at all these entries I feel like the amateur I am.
Very well presented.
And very high class posts.
Thank you
Good job R.
It's a creative presentation; I wouldn't have expected someone to use names of blogs as subject headings.
Another great selection!
simply lovely! thank you so much.
Nice job Ridger, thanks.
As usual - an excellent presentation. Thanks for all the effort you put in to present this carnival.
Wonderful job presenting the info. Now, off to read all the articles that intrigued me. Hurrah!
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