Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: Charlie Chan's Secret, pretty good. Kung Fu Panda and Shrek the Halls, both of which I'd seen before but my father hadn't; the former is much better than the latter, which is cute but not substantial. Numb3rs Season Four (yes, it did arrive just in time for me to bring it along), or some of it - the first six episodes.

TV: House - is it wrong that before the credits were rolling I was yelling "Shut up until he shoots Hadley!"? And once again the crack Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital security staff lets a guy with a gun into the building. I'm sure I was not supposed to be hoping that Hadley dies, but I am so disappointed. Perhaps this will be the end of the poor-Hadley-Huntingdon's-craziness story arc. Maybe we can focus on someone else now. Like, Kuttner? Or even Taub? Please? The Mentalist - I liked this episode. Nicely layered. But sorrow, sorrow. I've just heard that ABC has canned Pushing Daisies. I sort of expected it, but still ... Well, at least there's nothing else on that network I ever watch. I'm turning into a CBSer now...

Read: Don't Look Back, by Karin Fossum. (Yes, I'm in the middle of a Scandinavian mystery streak.) It was good, though I don't care for the ambiguous ending. A ton of JA Jance novels, since I finished up what I brought with me. Too many to list, all the Joanna Brady in paperback. My friend Nancy says the JP Beaumont books are better - I'll give them a look.



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