Friday, March 13, 2009

Sky Watch: Fire in the Water

The sun rises in the water... the sky reflected in the pond.

sunrise in the pond

sky watch logo

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At 6:40 PM, March 13, 2009 Blogger Bryan had this to say...

Wow, that's quite the golden-brown photo. I like it!

At 9:24 PM, March 13, 2009 Blogger nature ramblings had this to say...

I really like your caption, and it really does look like fire in the water. Great idea on the color? Thanks for sharing. Happy skywatching.

At 9:31 PM, March 13, 2009 Blogger The Write Girl had this to say...

I love this photo. A stunning image, in a golden bronzed color, of the light reflected in water.
And I love the caption "Fire in the Water." Very creative and nicely done.

At 8:06 AM, March 14, 2009 Blogger Colin Campbell had this to say...

Interesting colours. I used to live in Silver Spring, went to U of Maryland College Park and worked in Glen Burnie amongst a number of places. Not been back for many years.


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