Thursday, October 21, 2010

Subtitling fail

I'm watching Hogfather - the Sky movie version of Terry Pratchett's brilliant novel - and every once in a while the accents combined with the ambient sound compel me to turn on the subtitles. And clearly the person doing the subtitles had no access to the script.

Archchancellor Ridcully tells a dwarf who works for the college to "Man the pumps, Mr. Modo, or dwarf them in your case, of course."

And the subtitles read, nonsensically, "Man the pumps, Mr. Modo, all two of them in your case, of course."

(ps - this has got to be more "aw vs or", you realize? Otherwise, it's hard to see how "or dwarf" becomes "all two of".)

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At 7:50 AM, October 22, 2010 Anonymous Mark had this to say...

Is it possible that it was a case of political correctness?

At 9:39 AM, October 22, 2010 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Maybe. Except the rest of the time they called him a dwarf, so I doubt it. (It's a separate race in Pratchett's work, like trolls, banshees, werewolves, golems, vampires, fairies, etc...) It wasn't the only time the subtitles were off, either.

At 9:12 AM, November 06, 2010 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

My review of the Hogfather movie is here:

Would be interested if you have a different take on anything I said.


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