Monday, October 11, 2010

annals of aw-vs-or

Earlier, I spoke of how I mistook the word Stornton for Staunton in a television show, and then about encountering Law and Lore as homophones. Here's another. In the final Dalziel & Pascoe episode I would have sworn the museum director said "Anna spent the rest of the evening pawing over the drawings." Given the context (priceless 17th century sketches) and the depicted action (an expert with a magnifying glass) I'm sure he meant "poring" over them, but even at the fourth replay, I can't hear that. I'm just sure that's what he meant.



At 10:12 AM, October 13, 2010 Anonymous Mark had this to say...

While listening to NPR playing one of those British word game shows I learned that gnaw and nor are homophones. You couldn't have won that point unless you knew that.


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