Yellowstone was definitely the best place we went for wildlife. (There were also
ravens everywhere; that link will take you to some shots of ravens playing in the sky.)
First, a chipmunk at Gibbons Falls

And another at Old Faithful

A deer just inside the park boundary, crossing the road

Buffalo! Bison! We've seen warning signs everywhere, but finally in Yellowstone we saw the animals themselves. Magnificent!

Here's a calf frolicking around its mother.

And after a while at Madison River, where the elk herd comes according to the sign, we started to drive away and then spotted this gorgeous girl across the road, heading slowly for the river.

Labels: myphotos, trip
Did you catch sight of the Trumpeter Swans in the Madison River? Or stop at Gallatin National Forest to see the enormous geologic damage from the 1959 quake?
We saw no swans at all. We did see a lot of the earthquake damage, though.
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