The Loyal Order of Moose (we were looking them up as a conversation drifted from how to translate лось into whether they existed - the Order, not moose - or not) has a web page that offers multiple languages. They do that via Google Translate.
Which is too bad.
Loyal Order of Moose gets rendered in the text as Постоянные орденом лося and Постоянный орденом лося, which mean "the constant (or "unchanging") ones with the order of the moose" in plural and singular. I would think Верноподданный орден would be better, but in any case "order" ought not to be in instrumental.
However, in their navigation bar, for whatever reason, it's rendered as постоянные

порядке лося, which doesn't really work grammatically, since порядке is locative and needs a preposition. But it's really very funny, since порядок means "order" ... but only in the sense of "arrangement" or "method" or "law and" sense of the word. As I said, this isn't really a good Russian phrase, but as much as it means anything it means "a permanent lineup of moose".
Labels: humor, Russian, translation
Online translating programs never cease to amaze/amuse!
If I were translating "The Loyal Order of Moose," first I'd go to their website, just as you did. If that's unsuccessful but time permits, I'd email them at their contact link courteously explaining the nature of the inquiry, because I've found that in nearly all cases people want to be represented as well as possible in translation and are honored that the translator cares so much.
However, should time be of the essence, next I'd check the websites of other fraternal organizations that use the word "order" (e.g., BPOE) to see if their websites have pages in other languages that were not rendered by computer. Failing that, I'd look at groups whose names contain a word synonymous for "order" in that context. I'd also check to see if Wikipedia has a page for LOOM (or other fraternals) in the destination language.
If all else fails, I'd ask my instructor -- although in the instant case I suspect that might be YOU!
P.S. I Googled on "Leal de Moose" -- omitting the Portuguese for "order" -- and found that apparently, "Loyal Order of Moose" in Portuguese is "Ordem leal de Moose," and "Orden leal de Moose" in Spanish.
The actual Russian for Moose International, Loyal Order of Moose is Благотворительный и охранительный орден лосей, which amusingly is exactly the same name as BPOE.
It must make lodge meetings quite humorous.
Oops. Wrong. It's «Мусс-интернешнл» (muss-interneshnl). Must remember to click through the link. The result
Благотворительный и охранительный орден лосей ... (Moose International, Loyal Order of Moose),
led me astray.
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