Monday, January 21, 2013


The city is Харків, or as the Russians spell it Харьков. If you're going to spell it Kharkiv, you must pronounce it 'Harkyoo [ˈxɑrkiw] Alex, not Har-kuv. Or possibly 'Harkeef [ˈxɑrkiːf] if you're using an eastern pronunciation. It's Ukrainian, not Russian.

For that matter, if you're using the Russian spelling of Kharkov, it's still not Kar-kuv; it's 'Harkoff [ˈxarʲkəf].

That H is really a voiceless velar fricative that we don't have as an initial consonant in English (think the CH in loch or Bach). But H is closer than K. And -uv is just wrong.

Stop saying you speak Russian, Alex.

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At 3:14 PM, January 23, 2013 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

We cringed when Alex ad-libbed in response to a contestant's erroneous reply of Kenya as the most populous nation in Africa that it's not far from Nigeria. Really? It's all the way across the continent.

At 3:21 PM, January 23, 2013 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

It's closer than ... errrrr .... Russia is.

At 8:13 PM, January 23, 2013 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

The clue was for the most populous nation IN AFRICA. Which kind leaves Russia out...

And tonight the question "What is a right triangle?" (also this former math teacher's solution!) in response to the clue about the 6-8-10 triangle was called wrong, just because they were looking for "scalene"? It didn't make any difference to the final outcome, but I wish someone had called the contestant's answer as correct and credited her before Final Jeopardy just on general principles! The clue crew really needs to get its act together.

At 8:33 PM, January 23, 2013 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

That didn't look like a right triangle, though. There didn't seem to be a right angle. I don't remember it well enough to swear to it, though.

At 8:34 PM, January 23, 2013 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Also, wasn't saying Russia was a possible answer, just observing (sarcastically) that "close" is relative...

At 9:27 PM, January 23, 2013 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

The right angle was at the top. It HAS to be a right triangle because 6**2 + 8**2 = 10**2 (Pythagorean Theorem).

At 2:20 PM, January 24, 2013 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

But does the Pythagorean theorem say that if the sides are in such a ratio, the triangle MUST be a right triangle? I know that scalene triangles have the same ration for areas of parallelograms drawn on them - squares are just a special case. Does 6/8/10 HAVE to be right? Probably it does ... Math is hard...

At 4:11 PM, January 25, 2013 Anonymous Kathie had this to say...

If a**2 + b**2 = c**2, then yes, for the purposes of the triangle shown in the Jeopardy! clue, it HAS to be a right triangle.

There are many more Pythagorean triples besides those of the 3-4-5 ratio -- e.g., 5-12-13, 8-15-17, 20-21-29 (and their multiples), etc.


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